(to add comments to this page, email

post? what? Oh, OK, here: "It is cool when Kevin Siebold plays the guitar. He has a cool way of standing and playing, and he plays very well (uses pinky when playing lead, etc.), and sometimes he gets a cool look on his face when he is playing (like he knows how it's going to sound even before it comes out - that may not seem that impressive, but Jerry Bear never managed it, and he made a handsome living with his playing for many years, which is cool). His guitars which he makes himself are cool. Does all this make Kevin Siebold cool? Ummm..."

DP from Byram NJ
i don't own a krappy guitar, but i want one... why you ask? because i heard the queen of england has one that looks like underwear, and because they are totally radical thrashing machines of musical glory... ps... i really want a krappy guitar.... i'm not sure exactly but i think i want it shaped like an anchor.

MA from Mine Hill NJ
I do give the guy credit.....he does not appear to take himself too seriously, a trait in short supply in some circles.

RJG from ND
Why do you call them krappy guitars? they're not krappy they're krazy! Its also krazy how you make all the guitars yourself. and it was krazy when you played the axe guitar during lessons--it's all power chords--alot of the songs i like are all power chords.

SS from Jefferson NJ
Kevin Siebold made me a bass and is a great guy to work with.

JK from Lexington OH
I don't know, but he's got a real Rasputin vibe about him.

DG from the US
My band is working on new material and a new cd and I'd love to hit the stage with your axes. This would be fun!

TL from Ontario Canada
this instrument would be the most ideal for sticking in a bag for motorcycle transport, what do you think? The purpose of this guitar will be predominantly pedagogical, so the 'Sesame Street' numbering scheme on the fretboard is ideal. You may have thought I was busting your chops about that when I first saw the prototype, but I really covet this instrument.

JE from Newton NJ
I could not be any happier with my specially made 6+6 touchstyle (uncrossed, mirrored fourths, bass on the sides tuning). Special orders no problem for Kevin. It has good tone and is easy to play even for someone like me who never played guitar before. I live about 10 miles from three touchstyle guitar manufacturers, but I preferred to have Kevin make mine and ship it all the way from NJ to CA!!!!

JH from Moorpark CA
Just browse though the page. It's funny because it's real. I might order a 1 string bass shaped like a shotgun. Or I might order a travel neckthru bass with detatchable wings. I want to get a vagina guitar, that would be fun.

E from St. Clair Shores MI
i like the site! i like the "eat my shorts" axe. just thought i'd let you know!

RS from Kenvil NJ
yeah son, im down. i may just have to hit you up on that bad mother. sounds like a fine chunk'o'funk. when this soul brotha gets arround to it, you might just catch a holla 100 dolla on the flipside. and on just on the downlow, you know, can these machines funk like no otha, has a brother tried to slap a funky groove?

SF from the US
Well first of all, WOW!--LOL i'd like to say your site is awsome!

JA from the US
I got the guitar today--very cool, very satisfied. I like the rugged look of the wood and aluminum.

EH from Berkely CA
I threw-up a little bit in my mouth when I saw these things.

C from Ft. Worth TX
Very amusing. If I was a punk rocker I might be insulted, or I'd think it was the coolest thing since downtuning.

DNA from Aurora CO
I almost pissed myself.

DB from Lawndale CA
Dear Krapmeister, I recently came across your website, and after wiping down the computer, took a moment to look through your range of Krappy basses. I've been a professional bassist and double bassist for over twenty years and in all that time I have never seen such a splendid range of utter $#%+. I recently purchased a fine example of a early 18th century English bass by Thomas Kennedy. What a twit! I realise now (all too late, of course) that what I should have done was bought 623 Krappy basses instead!!!

Sir KS from the UK
The Guitars arrived today, thank you very much - they look great! I just wanted to say thanks for how you handled all this - from working with us on the designs through to sending us photos of the work in progress - through to payment and delivery... It's been a pleasure.

PM from the UK
Krappy? No. Extreme? YES! Don't let the manifesto fool you, this is serious. If you've ever owned or seen one of his custom axes, or heard Kevin play one of the touch styles or even a punk rod that he's constructed (which he plays in his band Roamin Gabriels on a tune or 2) you'd agree, this is no joke. I've known Kevin for many years now, I jam with him every Thursday night and there is never any bull$#%+ to anything he does. In fact, quite the contrary! I'm trying to convince him to up his prices and almost have him convinced, so buy while they're unreasonably low priced! I'm also trying to get him to spin off a high-end line of instruments (like he did with his Touch Styles) – check out his audio/video page and have a listen yourself.

MP from Long Valley NJ
Got some better pics? I'm interested in a 2 string Paul rod, but the pic on your site looks like it was taken by Stevie Wonder.

PB from New Haven CT
Dear krapmeister, I was directed to your site this morning by my friend and fellow bass builder. Love cannot express the depth of emotion welling up in my heart and BOWELS at the site of your extraordinary creations. I'm putting a link to your website on my links page. Your work is truly under-appreciated. I hope you never have to raise your prices but I fear that success will encroach on your happy existence. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you. You have really inspired me to get off my highfalutin' @$$ and start building affordable bass guitars again. Thanks and warmest regards.

DJK from Portland OR
greetings--I'm a luthier (which means I charge more than 1000 bucks for an instrument) and I teach guitar building /woodworking at a high school on outer Cape Cod. I stumbled on your site and I have to say, it's wonderful. thanks for a good friday afternoon chuckle!

KH from Cape Cod MA
Seeing those Krappy Guitars made me go into hysterics!

RK from the US
The mini sounds and looks great. Very compact. Nice idea on the fake body wing. I'm actually a little amazed at how good it sounds. Very nice finish.

EH from Berkeley CA
You are a king! This is a beautiful and great site, THE PRICES ARE HEAVEN. You did steal my fish tank idea, but because you are not a "custom guitar rapist", I forgive you. Again YOU ARE A KING!!!

ER from the US
I take guitar lessons from Kevin the Krapmeister. After 3 short months I now suck significantly less than I have my 20 years of playing. After just one lesson, my 6 year old son plays much less horribly than he had before. We both aspire to play with style and grace like Kevin Siebold. Not only is he a fine craftsman, he's the 2nd smartest person I know.

BC - From Succasunna NJ
I got the bass... it sure is krappy. I'm gonna scare the crap out of a band I'm supposed to audition for. I'll have more to say about the bass soon... I'll send you some photos of myself with the bass, too - I have a very scary image. Thanks for getting this done in time and so cheaply.

PK from Poland
The guitar has arrived! I received it this morning, very well packaged. The guitar is an absolute beauty! It looks and plays amazingly, and it sounds very rich and full in tone. you must be a very talented luthier to build something as good as this. Thank you very very much, i'm very happy with my new guitar! MM from the UK I bought my first krappy touch-style guitar (aka "The Beast") over a year and a half ago. It was one of the first ones made and let me tell you...It is krappy, but simply AMAZING. I had been taking lessons from Kevin Siebold since I was in diapers and let me tell you the touch guitar has been an incredible addition to my tupperware parties. I think a new higher-end krappy model is long over due. Thanks Kev the Krapmeister.

KF from Boston MA
i will be SURE to put in pics of you with the instrument. that is actually the hardest thing to get from the recipient...i cant tell you how how many people said "yeah, i will definitely send you a pic for the owners page" and never followed through...out of sight, out of mind, i guess...

KS from Hackettstown NJ
my motto--if you cant dig it out of a dumpster, it is too good for your guitar.

KS from Hackettstown NJ
the wood i have is cosmetically appealing, but not exotic. ;)

KS from Hackettstown NJ
Kevin, I just got the bass, this is too f'ing cool! It got here yesterday. I'm impressed with the way you've made the string holder and bridge. Nice bit of innovation, many thanks!

AS from Riverside CA
Greetings. I just ran across your site today. Looks interesting. I was doing a search, looking for guitar/bass doublenecks, and came across your site. To my mind, anything with the name "Krappy" HAS to be investigated!

RR from Seattle WA
first of all i love it! i can not think of anything more beautiful then that touchstyle. i can not wait for the finished product!

JW from Madison NJ
the video clip is riveting. Its like Norm Abrams in a helium cloud after a lobotomy...

GS from Succasunna NJ
Hi, I'm a guitarist who very recently decided to delve into the forbidden realms of touchstle playing. Why forbidden? Because up to now I find most instruments way too expensive, since I'm still a student and the few odd jobs I do don't leave me with a great budget...

MS from Italy
Hey, I'm his Mom... really! Buy his guitars, feed the grandchildren! Love, Mom.

MS from Mt Hope NJ
Hi Kevin, just a quick email to say the instrument has arrived safe and sound. It's absolutely great and fantastic cheers :) I've been on holiday in Ireland so could not send a thanks until now. When I get some time over the next couple of days, I'll forward on some pics for your website. So much to do, so little time.....

DP from the UK
Hello! I bought a 5+7 Touchstyle Guitar off of ebay 1 year ago from you. The thing is awesome, I have learned a lot from it...

AW from Rockford IL
I didn't overpay you, I just paid you closer to what your work is worth. but you can send me a t-shirt if you want. I'd love to have one And just tell generally people how cool i am. that would be great!!!

MT from Eldorado Springs CO
Your site is hysterical! You're like the monty python guitar maker. Cool $#!+.

JS from Roxbury NJ
Hi Kevin, just wanted to let you know that the Touch guitar arrived safely. It's very nice. I'll take a picture soon of me playing it and send it off to you

HB from Woodland Hills CA
I received the 6+6 touchstyle yesterday. I played it until 2:00 a.m. I am thoroughly pleased. Did you make the bridge? If so, very nice. I really like the choice of woods. It has a warm sound without weighing a ton. I think that I will have you make me another one next year...

VS from Louisville TN
Hi Kevin, I'm quite amazed by the speed of int'l postal service, but the touch-guitar arrived today!!! This was quite unexpected and a very nice christmas present, thanks. I've only had time for a 15-minutes try-session. First impression is good, although I think it could do with a truss rod adjustment. I'm leaving for a few days, so I'll not be able to play it more until after Christmas. I'll send you more impressions and pix then. Best regards and a Merry Christmas,

MA from Switzerland
Where's a cigar? I'm a daddy !!!!!! Wow, so far very impressed. The body is much smaller than I thought, and the fretboard much larger. It looks fantastic. Rigging a strap up as the left hand is giving me fits with bass chords but it sounds terrific. The EMG's are hotter than I expected. I need to bring up my better bass amp from the 'bass'ment... (David/Eden system) and think I'll run the melody through my JBL EON power instead of a guitar amp...

RC from Bennett CO
Got it! All in one piece too. USPS works really well. First things that strikes me; it looks really cool. And its way lighter that one would think! It hangs really well on the body. The shape of the neck works really well for uncrossed playing, since the thumb rests more naturally on the neck. Also the bridge is awsome. Didnt get until now that you actually makes these yourself. Theres some relief in the neck on the melody side and i will have to get the right wrench in the store, since i don't have one that fits st home. no problem. I take it that tightening the truss straightens the neck, right?

GO from Norway
YEAH!!!!!! My friend landed on sunday, but I wasn't able to get my greedy hands on it before yesterday morning. I then spent at least 12 hours in these 2 days making acquaintances with it, so that I could tell you what I thought: I am satisfied beyond words, the instrument is beautiful, very well crafted, and the way you put the strap buttons keeps it vertical and well balanced. As far as sound goes, I plugged into my guitar amp (a Fender Hot Rod Deville 2x12) and I must say it sounds really impressive! I wouldn't know if it sounds better/worse than the "branded" ones (never had the occasion to hear another touchstyle instrument live), but it surely sounds GOOD. I especially like how the bass set sounds, even on a guitar amp: tonight I'll go to some friends' rehearsals to plug it into an Ampeg monster head and into a Mesa Double Rectifier, just to see :) shame I can't really play it (but I'm working on it!) I'll definitely sing your praises throughout the Net, it really was a pleasure to "do business" with you...

MS from Italy
yeah so I want a thrasher kind of guerrilla thing with either 4 or 6 strings or maybe a touchstyle: (I'm not only a mediocre guitar player, I'm also a fairly bad touch player) with onboard effects. I would provide (substandard) stompboxes and maybe they could just be stapled or rivited or otherwise adhered to the guitar? I don't really know, as it's just sort of a fever dream I've been having lately. Trying to get ideas and your stuff seems to suit the fun but low-rent type of vibe I'm looking for. If you're of a mind, please let me know what you think of this whole proposed mess. Until then, Excelsior!

TC in Sacramento CA
Kevin, I am sincerely BLOWN AWAY with the Punk Bass you created for me. What you have done for $100 is nothing short of amazing. In my opinion, you are an extremely talented luthier and are selling yourself short calling your instruments "Krappy Guitars". The bass has that fretless growl and bite and your choice of design, materials and finish is Top Notch. The gun stock type oil finish on my "Wenge Wonder" feels awesome. I was proud to see it on your web site. I plan on adding other Krappy Instruments to my arsenal and will proudly show them off to everyone! Thank You for doing what you do. It clearly shows this is a labor of love for you. my doubts about the 2 hand coordination have kept me back--however, your prices and quality of work make it possible to enter the realm of Touch Style Guitar without mortgaging the ranch! Thanks Again Kevin. As you may guess, I am more than happy. A photo will be forthcoming.

SP from Bronxville NY
I got my Krappy today! I see you named it Incisor on your web site. I love it! Thanks so much. Also thanks for the shirt. i will wear it proudly. Are you able to make a touchstyle instrument with a 30" scale? If you are, I may have an idea for Incisor II. Have a great day!

JS from Beverly Hills CA
The guitar is perfect...It's size, feel, everything..Thanks again...

LG in Miami FL
Okay, Mr. "Krappy". Great action, cool wood, unique tone. What's crappy about this? Out of the 137 1/2 two-string basses I have had custom made, this is definitely the second or third best. All kidding aside, it's a great instrument. Looks great, sounds great, plays great. I will be thinking up weird stuff for you to make me in future, hopefully before you (justifiably) raise your ridiculous prices. Thanks and you'll have pictures soon. For some reason, the guy who built my $100 custom 2-string digital camera didn't do such a hot job as you did. Thanks Again!!

TC in Sacramento CA
hey! just to let you know the bass has arrived! and there has been much joy! we'll send some photos to you soon, thanks so much!

DD from Warwickshire UK
i got the bass in the mail Friday and have been fiddling with it since. Looks great and sounds pretty damn good as well. the rosin wheel is one of the coolest toys of all time, a fine piece of machinery. I'll be sure to send a few pics soon. Cheers!

DO in Clearwater FL
Hey, I'm the guy the "fretless with thumbrest" was built for. I'd just like you to know that I used it in a band situation for the first time last night, and it performed brilliantly and I was the envy of all my band mates with their "more than 2 strings", "frets" and "bodies". Well screw them, my bass is a piece of Krap, and I LOVE it. thank you for building an instrument of this callibre and there'll be another order coming your way in the not so distant future...

AC from Warwickshire UK
I see from your site that the cost you list is a bargain. I was wondering, would you consider a barter of services for some of the cost of instrument? I am a massage therapist and would gladly trade a number of massages for you and your wife for an agreed upon portion of the cost of the instrument...

JO in Hoboken NJ
Okay, so last night I got to really put 'er through the paces at rehearsal. Prior to that, I had only played it for 10 minutes on my couch and 3 minutes at the roller derby for the photo. Wow! I LOOOOOOOVE it! It plays like a dream and the sound is amazing. The growl is unbelieveable - the guitar player (who is really a bass player) kept laughing and looking over at me, "I CAN'T believe ALL that sound is coming out of that broomstick!". We all decided that I should use it in our "banjo metal" section - Guns-n-Roses, Priest, and Crue songs all played on banjo. So now I gotta bring both the Krappy and the upright to some of our gigs! We don't do it at every gig, just when we have the whole night and the mood strikes. Once again, I can't thank you enough for this wonderful instrument - Cheers!

FB from Lk. Hopatcong NJ
I got the bridge a couple days ago.. It looks great and it seems like it'll work perfectly.. Thanks alot for your help and for building that... I have fellow artists that enjoy building instruments like I do, so if theres ever an opportunity I'll definitely throw the business your way... It probably doesnt mean a whole lot to you monetarily but still.. I'll surely be giving good reviews of your service..Thanks

KF in Louisville KY
Hi kevin, The instrument arrived thursday morning and it was well packaged!!! It looks very very beautiful and the sound is good, you are really a great luthier kevin! Thank you very much.. I'll send you a photo for your site soon.. Thanks for the orange krapshirt, I'll wear it proudly!

Hey Kevin I received my guitar today, just want to say how much i love it, it's a great instrument im very happy with it. I Can't thank you enough. Have a Happy New Year...

DC from Hercules CA
the neck {JustaNek} arrived yesterday--the pictures you sent couldn't do it justice, that fingerboard is really nice. Really good work man. Thanks for all the help. Whenever I finish it I'll make sure and send you a pic back of the finished product for your gallery. Thanks again, take it easy.

AD from Scotland
Hey Kevin! Just got my guitar today. The thing looks great! Beautiful work! I'll have to spend some time with it this weekend to learn the subtleties, but I'm very excited. I promise, the "Martin Tapper 2 String" will have a good home. Now, if I ever learn how to play this thing, maybe I'll upgrade to 3 strings! Thanks for your constant communication throughout the process and hard & fast work getting it done.

MM from Walworth NY
Hi--today I received the guitar. You did really GREAT JOB!! I'm very impressed. Thanks again. I'll advertise this great one to everybody I know. Be Happy..

WL from Rancho Palos Verdes CA
I've been meaning to write you since my "Twiggy" electric 3-string upright bass arrived a week ago, but I've been too busy playing it. My dainty guitar fingers are getting calloused, and I'm getting sounds I'd never dreamed of-- it really does sound beautiful. I'm kind of a snob when it comes to gear, and I have to say you did a superb job. A lot of my gear-head friends shook their heads when I tried to explain to them what I had ordered, but when they saw and heard it they were beyond impressed. The pick-up is extremely quiet, the action is just right, and the craftsmanship is anything but krappy. The thing I really want to stress is that although the instrument you built me unlike any other in the world, this is not a "novelty" instrument. It's my main bass now, and I look forward to sending you some tracks soon-- everything from hip-hop to ambient to punk to pop to rock to blues. Thank you Kevin!!!.

QR from Manhattan NY
Hey, Kevin, I received the Twiggy-3 - this bass is loads of fun to play. Great selection of body woods (Santos Mahogany, Maple, and Brazilian Cherry). The neck is nicely shaped and has a smooth satin finish. The adjustable end post is a nice touch - I was able to set it quickly to the height I like. The action is set at a nice height, and it plays cleanly all up and down the neck. I need to work a little on playing upright with a 34" scale, but I'm ready to get my vertical groove on! Great work at a great price! Cheers,

PH from St. Louis MO
Dude I love this thing... the bass is growly, the highs are bell-like... heck this thing even smells good, like a freshly milled piece of wood should... everyone i show it to marvels at the workmanship and the inventive design... but as I've told you before the thing that made it truly worth it was your excellent customer service and consistently quick response time... will send a pic 'ere too long, but want you to know again what good works you're doing... and i wasn't lying, it really does smell good!

EM from San Lorenzo CA
Dear Kevin, I love the look, and I'm sure I'll love the instrument--I haven't had a 2 octave fretboard since I traded away a Ricky 330 for my jazzbox--both with wings and without. I bet you'd sell a bushel of orders for these & the touch-basses etc if you came out to the Oregon Country Fair (2nd week, every July). But I bet you're doing well enough just staying home and letting the web/word-of-mouth do the trick. If I ever do one of those guitar-porn photos that Vintage Guitar does on its back page, I'll be sure to give you a shout-out.

RL from Eugene OR

I got bored so I came to check out your site... I would have left some comments, but it wouldn't allow me... cause I'm not on your friends list. I do think you are quite an artist!!! The guitars i saw here are really beautiful... Have a great night!

EW from DuQuoin IL
Just received the bass -- It's WAY over my expectations. I thought that the point of the javelin would be in white plastic (looked like this on the picture), but when i saw that it was solid metal, i went crazy!! The bass is solid and and seems to have great wood. I like to paint my instruments and since it's not varnished, i can do that and then varnish it at the end! I can tune it like i want even if it is only one string, i think i could get a lots of sounds out of it. I just tried it tuned in "A" with fuzz, and the sound is really clear and good. You can tune up the bass very high and it always keeps good tune. Overall, this Krappy bass is not crappy at all, if your not fancy! It's a great bass that was worth paying the total of $150 for a unique piece of art! Thanks K and be assured that we'll work together again!

JS from Quebec Canada
Thank you very much for the updates and photos. I feel like I did when I was looking at the ultrasounds of my babies, in my wife's belly!

-----also wrote-----

Just wanted to let you know how much fun I am having with Les Uke ! Getting some cool sounds through Big Muff Pi. (Actually my 2 string fretless bass krappy sounds awesome though the Muff, too !!) Will get a picture of me with it to you asap (assuming multiple-krappy owners are allowed multiple mugshots on your site ???)

JP from Castleton NY
Hey Kevin!
Just wanted to drop you a note and tell you the Twiggy 4 arrived safe and sound! I've had a few minutes to plug it in and boy it sounds AMAZING!!!! Played real nice right out of the box (just have to make a quick pickup height adjustment)! I just ordered an endpin rest that cellists use so it'll be more stable when standing up, just a minor readjustment on my part.
I LOVED the way this bass looks, your workmanship was astounding at this price! Definitely count on a heartfelt endorsement from this Owl. You've created a slim growling masterpiece! The action was set perfectly too and the strings sound like anything but old and used, MAN this thing can grrrooowwwwlllll!
Thanks again Kevin, it's a beauty!

PM from Atlanta GA
(Editor's note: this owner was so effusive in his praise of the krappy instrument that he felt the need to comment again.)

The brand new Twiggy-4 bass arrived yesterday, and let me tell you, this thing has a sublime growl akin to a panther after a couple martinis. I think Kevin broke the land speed record by building it in just a hair over 2 weeks! It plays beautifully, doesn't take up much space, plays nice with others and can stop a charging insurance salesman at 60 paces. Great work Kevin! It's not just Krappy, it's INSANELY BRILLIANT!

Kevin, you should also get an award for most environmentally friendly luthier! And anybody that can concoct things ranging from a rifle-bass to a 14-string fretless that you can launch airplanes from is pretty OK in my book!

One Very Impressed Owl

PM from Atlanta GA
Just got my bass yesterday, I've been playing non-stop the last 24 hours. The tone is good, the action is good, and it was even in tune when it arrived at my home, all the way out in California. That's the kind of quality that sets Krappy guitars apart from the competition. The customer service was great too--I received on average two pictures a week of the progress, which goes completely against the manifesto. The prices are unbeatable, also, which I don't really get. You could charge out the @$$ for these things, you know! All in all, I'd say this was easily the wisest decision I've ever made in my entire life. Keep up the good work, Kevin!.

CS from Vacaville CA
Yeah Man, just got this swweeeeeeeeeeet bass in my hands about 90 minutes ago, been jamming and getting the feel of it - even better than expected--the snickerdoodles too! Those are a big hit with the wife and kids - they get to munch while listening the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp growwwwwwwwwwwwwl!

Thanks Again - will enjoy mucho jamming!

HR from St Marys GA
i'm absolutely loving the thing, i haven't had alot of time with it as i've got a crazy schedule during the week but it'll definately be attached to me during the entire weekend. i've got a few shows coming up that i'm hoping to break it out on! even if i'm just playing bass lines on it....

VL from Ottawa Canada
Sorry mate, forgot to reply--Just lost my Krappy money in a poker no bass for me! Maybe will try again in the future!

PH from the UK
The Humongous arrived in one piece and more or less in tune. First of all, the pics did not do it chose some amazing chunks of wood for her!
Also, I couldn't get over how well she played out of the box...the action was perfect for me. Unplugged, the Humongous carried across the living room...plugged into my rig, it has tons of presence and attack. You've created a tone monster!

MB from Joliet IL.
hi kevin,
i'm digging the axe...playing thru some real book tunes, trying to walk that bass...
the bass is working out great. might try some jamming with it this week...see how i fare.
best wishes

FJ from Paterson NJ
i was able to hold the krappy bass when i unloaded the can. It was sweet. Soon i will be sitting on the roof slapping the fretless.

RR from Mbale, Uganda
hi kev....... finally got my punk bass finished...... i used a mortise and tenon joint to attach wings . that way i can change guitar shapes whenever i want, i dont know what kind of wood you used but with 25 coats of hand rubbed minwax polywipe it looks fantastic!. thanks for the great service and a great bass guitar.

JD from Ohio
Hi Kevin, received the guitar........ the only thing I can say is... well, I can't speak, my jaw dropped on the floor...Anyway, it's AWESOME! I still have to get some chops on the fretless side of things but the sounds coming from it are what I've always wanted to hear. It's a beauty too. Lots of people are jealous here. I'll send you a pic soon and hopefully will order another one of your fine instruments in a near future. Thanks so much again,

MC from Canada
I can't tell you how happy I am with the bass. it was beyond my expectations as far as the sound and quality..Great Job!!!!

MG from Stroudsburg, PA
Got it today, and it's great! It even smells nice. In fact, my whole library smells like cedar now. Oh, and the bass plays marvelously. I plan on recording a little ditty on it for the folks at talkbass, and I'll forward it to you. Thanks again!

EF from Acworth GA
Q: How much would it cost for a 3-string bass that is also a functional bong?

SH from internet email

A: i do not condone or build any apparatus wherein one could utilize the substances that GOD has created in a way that is illegal or morally objectionable. having been redeemed from a similar lifestyle of dissipation by the lord Jesus Christ, in 1986, it has been my conviction that i should not promote or engage the use of any chemical that would cause an altered state of mind. this leaves my mind clear to think holy thoughts, and his thoughts after him. particularly, as we approach the day of resurrection, wherein Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days in a tomb, it is fitting that you consider these things, and the state of your soul before the living God. your request for a bass can be met very easily, however. what body style are you interested in?

KS from Hackettstown NJ
Hi kev--Been studying much less, been plucking that guitar. The concept actually works, love the tuning forks, the longer G actually vibrates itself when you hit a G note. The shorter C also sings but only when you hit the bass notes. Vice versa. The strings also sing when you hit the fork. And I've been using the forks the tune up the guitar so its also practical. The guitar weighs 7.1 pounds, I guess those pickups weigh a bit and also the neck. I'm interested in building two more necks for this geetar--a Gibson scale and a Strat scale. Same neck pocket, wooden fingerboard. Nothing fancy just a typical Krappy neck. Thanks for the efforts, Thou hast truly done a magnificent job...

CSJ from Bloomfield NJ
I changed the first five of my son's poopy diapers while wearing a Krappy Guitars t-shirt.

SP from Washington NJ
At 11:55 AM Wednesday the "FauxLembic" arrived!I am overwhelmed!The Appearance of the woods are much richer than the pictures sent.Of course I've got some practicing to do.Technique and all.The tuning pegs are quite responsive.I was original apprehensive.Thinking that the small pegs would make tuning the bass strings difficult.Not so!Just a little turn makes a big difference.I may rig up some "Traktor Suspenders"for the proper playing height and angle.Well I'm on vacation next week and I know what I'll be doing.Thank you for your service and response to E-mail.I actively refer any who are looking for an alternative to what is offered in the way of quality Touchstyle instruments. Again,Thank You

G.B. from Zion IL
Just wanted to let you know that the bass arrived today and in great condition! I've been playing around with it for the last hour and it's awesome! It's exactly what I imagined. It's very comfortable to play. I don't know how you can make an instrument like this for $300 and Barker wants 10X that for his, but I'm glad you do. I want any future instruments of mine to be as krap-tastic as this one!

JC from Bloomington IN
It certainly did make it in one piece, there's not even a scratch on it. We picked it up from the parcel force depo earlier today, and I've been playing with it. It's incredible - it sounds amazing, it feels very light, and the body is quite small compared to my other basses so it's very comfortable to play sitting down, which is great. Combined with the short neck, this makes the instrument feel very compact. The neck feels very comfortable, and it plays very easily. It looks beautiful, too. I've attached a photo of me playing it. I may also put a video of it on youtube at some point, I'll let you know if I do. Thanks again for everything.

PM from London UK
Hi-ML here from Virginia. I just recieved my Krappy Touchstyle Fri.August 7,2009. It is a very nicely built instrument-as I am playing it in and adjusting it to my way of playing it continues to improve both in tone and playability. As with all new instruments the setup is very important-so I took a few minutes to tweakit a lil'. One thing I have found that makes it really sound good is 4 beers. Other cheap instruments I have don't sound good til you get say,8 beers. What the HECK!? Krappy is saving me a fortune!! I can now buy an expensive.....uh....something-....? Thanks Kevin.

ML from Petersburg VA
I use the 12 string in my band Maximus. Its a blast to play the Krappy with a band. Its the most fun I've had in a long time. All the guys are still dumbfounded by it. We're going to be playing shows pretty soon. I have racked up probably 40 hours of playtime on the 12 string. I feel confident enough to play in front of people. When we get out stuff recorded, I'll send it to you so you can put it on the Mp3 section of your website. Thank you for such an awesome instrument

JC from Elkton MD
The bass arrived today just fine. To say that I'm "happy with my Krappy" would be an understatement... I'm already planning my next one ! Thanks again for a truly fun to play, great sounding bass at a price that working musicians can afford! Have a great day ...I'll being playing the Krap out of my new bass!

AC from Austin TX
Dang dude. I am blown away by my punk rod. When I got it out of the box I was pretty happy with the quality and how it looked. I thought it would be kind of "toy like" but that definately isn't the case. I plucked around on the strings without it plugged in and was like "hmmm, I don't know". BUUUUT, then I plugged that bad boy in and was like "Oh yeah, there it is". I'll be getting a pic sent. I have a few ideas on wanting to "customize" it before I took a pic, but I might just leave it the way it is.

CC from Keokuk IA
Kevin, It arrived yesterday. Great job, cool little instrument to thrash on and it plays remarkably well. Did a nice little punk rendition of Beat It for the guys at work and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. I will get you a picture soon. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say it made it and I am very pleased. Thank you again, and when things calm down we will get you a picture. Best regards,

DJ from Flowery Branch GA
a haiku, in praise of Krappy Guitars:

Krappy Guitars Rule they're indeed, thrashing machines- the Voice of Nature...

Nature doesn't like clearcutting rare wood forests in the Muse's name...

So buy a Krappy get an axe that sounds awesome, looks great, heals the Earth...

EM from San Lorenzo CA
Mr. Siebold:

Hmm. Interesting. A 12-string tap guitar for $800 plus shipping. (Pause.) EIGHT HUNDRED PLUS SHIPPING???!!! Is this some kind of SICK PRANK??? I assumed that one would have to pony up at least $1500 for a tap guitar that was an unusable piece of crap. And here's one for around half that! But wait. Where are the testimonals complaining about quality? Why are customers expressing satisfaction and praise? Could these Krappy Guitars actually be… distinctly non-crappy?-----Alas, eight hundred plus shipping is still at least a few years away for me. And maybe by then you'll have hiked your prices at your friend's suggestion to reflect, I don't know, their value? But at least a tap guitar is now thinkable for me, if some ways off. Unless… A person only needs one kidney, right? And thanks for fabricating guitars out of discarded bits of wood. When solid-body guitar makers extol the virtues of their rare, exotic woods, it always leaves me scratching my head. I'm still learning to play, and don't know much about guitar tone. But aren't many players just going to process the bejeebus out of the signal anyway, through pickups, amps/amp emulators, an array of pedal/amp effects, and the like? I know I would. If you've cranked the overdrive on your amp to 11, and your fuzzbox to 11.5, can you even tell whether the guitar is made of African limba or particleboard? Does decent tone actually require clear-cutting little patches of rain forest? Does it really come down to a choice between timbre and timber? Even if they aren't pronounced the same? That's enough out of me. No reply at all is necessary. Till I can enter the market, I wish you success and prosperity.

KM from Carmel Valley CA.
Kevin, Sorry I haven't had a chance to write back, I've been busy between family stuff with the holiday weekend, and playing the touchguitar. Just wanted to let you know that I love it! You will definately be hearing from me when it's time for the second one. I haven't gotten a photo yet, but will take one soon and e-mail it to you. Thanks again,

JEC from Narberth PA
Kevin, I received the instrument last night, and didn't get much time with it until this morning. Nice job. Pretty darn cool. Smart to not put the fret markers in and let me stick them where I want them. I realized we never spoke about that. And a very cool way of doing it. Obviously $+!ck players wouldn't want them where guitar players would want them. And now I have the stuck where I want them (guitar style.) I have been experimenting with some different string gauges this morning and am still messing around with them. I "think" I like them lighter, but.... I have to keep messing to know for sure. Anywho.... At the moment: I have it, it is cool and I am happy. Cheers and have a great holiday season,

CG from Seattle WA
When I told close friends and family members that I was investing in a 10 string touch guitar they thought I was crazy. Personally, I think the crazy person is the guy who makes the bloody things. I mean, first off there's the price. Kevin makes his instruments so affordable you can't help but be a little intrigued. So then you place an order and you think 'well, these are so reasonably priced that it's going to take forever to get one made as there's sure to be a waiting list', to which he has the hide to send punctual (almost daily) progress photos of the guitar being built almost as soon as the paypal money clears! Narf! So before you know it you've got the pic of your beast finished (even pics of the box at the Post Office waiting to ship out) and you automatically think 'yeah, well this is such value for money that it can't play any good' and then Kevin has the sheer audacity to send me a guitar that looks great, feels great to play and it sounds excellent!!!! I mean, he has to be absolutely freaking bonkers to be making these things for the price. It's the best value for buck I've ever experienced. Even the free X-ray vision works a treat. I can only imagine what looking at chicks from the stage was like before this. summary, crazy....not crazy!

PM from Brisbane, QLD Australia
Kevin: Collected it today from the postage depot...Got home...Unpacked it ………………And I am utterly blown away! This my friend is the work of a true genius………..I am myself a $+!ck player and i’d say this plays easier than my $+!ck! Not only that but it looks much better! The packaging was amazing ! best I’ve ever witnessed for an ebay item! THANKS MR SIEBOLD YOU HAVE DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY MADE MY DAY! YOU DESERVE MORE CREDIT THAN THIS EMAIL IS WORTH. I will get a photo done later for the website and you’ll defo see some vids of it on my youtube page Thanks again Kevin!

BW of Orbeth and Mithras from Great Britain
Got the bass... I can't put it down! Thanks a bunch. I am beyond satisfied.

JS from Los Angeles, CA
dear kevin, the guitar got here today. It is amazing. Wonderful workmanship. Too cool! Thanks a million. It was a joy doing business with you. Will surely be throwing more projects your way soon! Best,

KN from Goleta CA
Kevin, I received my touch guitar a couple of weeks ago, and for the most part I haven't been able to put it down. Its really quite a magnificent instrument. The tone is surprisingly good. I have one brief question though: what gauges of strings was my instrument set up to use?

AM from Seattle WA
Inarticulate praise:

Excellent site man, *&%#+* brilliant.

PF via Internet
i've been getting some amazing sounds out of this thing. I really appreciate the full two-octave fret board. I can get a huge range of tones considering it only has two strings. Anyway, once i get this bridge issue taken care of, and once i get a little better at playing with a bow (i keep getting that little-kid-practicing-for-a-violin-recital squeak), I will make you a demo for your website, because this is a fantastic sounding instrument whose existence is unprecedented, and is representative of your versatility as a luthier. The EUB/cello hybrid might be the next big thing...

DW from Waban MA
Got the uke today...

all I can say is AWESOME as usual.

I will send you a picture soon...

JS from Los Angeles CA
so I've had the opportunity to play the beast a good bit recently and I gotta say it's awesome! The body is beautiful, and the neck, while unorhodox, is actually comfy. The only regret I have is not requesting side dots - but I suspect this is a relatively easy fix. I was surprised at how good it sounded, real growly! Pics for owners page forthcoming.
Thanks again!!
p.s. I've got more ideas brewing : )

MB from NYC
I'm wearing my Krappy Guitars tee around Disney today. The attendant for one of the coasters asked if "Krappy" was a brand name of some kind, so I explained. Krap-vangelizing, even in Florida!.

SP from Washington NJ

via Orlando FLA
Just wanted to let you know that a link to your site was recently added to the gear section of NorCal BASSIX
Best of luck
WC from NCB


wow, thanks...i am honored to be in the company of real manufacturers...

I just wanted let you know that my Krappy "Traveler" bass has been elevated to #1 in my stable. I'm simply gobsmaked with it and I'll be gigging it this weekend.

Hi Kevin Kerry 12 arrived at the Exeter parcel depot at 3:32 this morning, and so I telephoned them to see if I could collect it as this weekend is a Public Holiday weekend, and so delivery to me would be Tuesday at the earliest. At first, they were not too cooperative as it had not been processed, but took my telephone number and promised to call back after looking for it. Success! They found it and so I paid the charges and took posession of it. First, I was surprised at the light weight of the package, considering what was inside it. When I opened it, I was extremely pleased at the result of your labours. Seeing the wood grain makes it even more pleasing than the photographs you sent. Connecting it up and attaching a strap, even though I have been playing bass and guitar for so long, I realised just what a novice I am now. It will be exciting starting again, and very fulfilling when music flows from the strings. Thanks again for the video, and please thank your son for his input. It looks good, sounds good, and now I need to practice to do it justice. I took it into one of our local music shops to get a gig bag (to protect it) and asked for a case for my krappy guitar. You should have seen their faces when I pulled it out of the cardboard box. They have never seen anything like it. Everyone had to come and see it, and I got them to look at the video and also your web site. Thanks again for who you are. It is so rare nowadays to deal with someone who communicates like you do throughout the buying process. I will be taking it into work on Tuesday to show my left handed friend. Hopefully he will contact you about a custom guitar once he has seen it. God bless you and your family.

I.K. from the U.K.
.Hey Kevin,
Just wanted to let you know that I am still enjoying my Twiggy. I did apply some biodegradable furniture polish to it for greater weather proofing (it's very humid here). The sound is great and with a little felt roll under the strings at the bridge it's passably upright-y. I'm even considering a bass sustainer pickup so I can get an arco effect. With the help of a little quilt that my mother-in-law made for me, everything fits into a deluxe padded gig bag with room enough for cables and my preamp!! It's awesome! Thanks again.

Honest Johnny

Land of Truth
Hey Kevin, I received the bass on Monday, and I've been playing it all week. I love it! With all the reviews of your stuff that I read on the Talkbass forums, I had fairly high expectations, and they were all met. It plays wonderfully, and I love the look of it. My brother and a friend of mine gave it a try too, and they were both impressed with it. Thank you so much for building this awesome bass...

PP from Bronx, NY
I received the Glenayre 12 today and I am pleased to say the instrument not only met, but exceeded my expectations! The lows are punchy, the highs sparkle and the action is just right. Visually, it's also a very attractive instrument. I'm proud to play your creation. Also of note is the fact that you created a quality touchstyle instrument for me that I couldn't ever afford to buy elsewhere. The other makers of touch-style guitars want up to $4500.00 for one of their instruments. How does someone afford that? Don't these people have children to feed? It's still just wood fer cryin' out loud! You've made this an enjoyable and positive experience for me. And now all I have to do is find a way to integrate this instrument into my stand-up act without it stealing the show. I have to go now... Spongebob is on, and that guitar is calling my name. My 7 year old daughter named it "Sasha"... Peace and Light,

SG from Kansas City MO
hello and merry christmas!

thanks again for making the "prestwood baritone 10"! it's an awesome instrument, and i assure you i've already been making some very krappy music with it! it's playing great with minimal buzz and great action.
it came set up perfectly. what a great tone and excellent action. you've done a fantastic job kevin, and i'm happy to be a part of the whole krappy guitar thing. i'm getting some good practice in and i've already figured out a good ergonomic position and some basic chord shapes/symmetrical unison lines.
overall i'm a very happy customer!
i'll send you some links or a cd once i start writing/recording with this monster. feeling good about making headway

WP from San Francisco CA
Hi kevin
I just received the guitar today and I had to say it's an amazing guitar !! It was very very very well packed, certainly the most well-packed guitar I ever received ! Thanks very much ! It was a little bit hard to tune but after.... wow very good tone, sound clean, clear !! I can't really play it but I'm sure it's gonna be very fast to learn because everything is just right down under my fingers .. Kevin, you make a little french guy very happy ! Thank you very much ! long life to you and to krappy guitar ! bye

Got it yesterday and tried it out at band rehearsal last night. Very happy with it-needs a bit of tweaking here and there and a better nut but overall its got a unique sound & feel, looks fantastic and it works great for me. Particularly like the head design. Beginning to think you are a genius- thanks again, cheers

Hello, Kevin! I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but i received the bass just before Easter, and then we travelled on Easter vacation and was gone for almost two weeks, and I didn't bring a computer. Anyway, came home yesterday, so let me provide you some feedback on your Les Paulsen Punk Rod! First of all, the looks! it looks super! It does look like a toy, which is part of the fun! But it raises eye brows, and keeps them there for a long time! Second, the sound! Because as much as the bass looks like a toy, it sounds nothing like one. The sound is full and sweet and very usable! Third, the playability and overall finish! It's great! It's small, and convenient, almost like an electric ukulele, well built, solid, with funny small solutions that makes it unique. Thank you for building me a great and fun little instrument that isn't just a joke, but will make the guys with the dead expensive Foderas LOOK like jokes. I just love the little Les Paulsen punk rod, and I look forward to pulling it out on gigs and show them that serious music can be played on serious, but alternative instruments!

Thanks, Kevin!!!!

Hey Kevin. Just writing to let you know I got the Axe. Man, super nice work. I told my wife I feel like I should hang it on our wall as a decoration. Plugged it up and it sounds great. Loving the tone. Thanks again for this experience and for building this at a fair price (Unlike your fellow touchstyle luthiers). It's definitely gonna take some work to get my picking hand with the program but I'm making quick progress. One thing I did want to ask you though. My bridge was missing one of the little adjuster screws to slide the saddles for intonation. Do you know if those are something I can readily get anywhere? Intonation is fine now but eventually I'll need to make adjustments. Thanks again. I'll send you a pic when I get this thing on stage. Talk later brother.

NS from Louisville KY
Hey Kev. Got the guitar today. It's awesome. Just finished playing it for an hour. Thank you so much for the beautiful instrument. Video and audio to follow...

BH from Bryn Mawr PA
Kevin, Got the bass and LOVE it. Thanks so much. I actually started tuning it up to EAD and it sounds even better. In fact, I love this bass so much, I am planning on ordering a fretless from you sometime in the near future. Thanks again,

CW from Liberty MO
Kevin, That bass is friggin awesome...I am so glad I got to play it even though it was just for a short time before leaving for BKK (I didn't think I would have to leave so soon)....I plays and looks great.....thanks for the supreme if I can only find a way to get back to the US on a more permanent basis soon so I can play it on a regular basis...... (hopefully early next year). Thanks

MR from Joshua Tree CA
Hi Kevin Having a total blast with the K9 flat tapper. Took only a few hrs to get the hang of touching. I've been playing it a lot and hardly touched the steel since getting it...anyway I'm real glad I got it & so is Bonnie and also Lenny - our guitar mentor / jammer friend. Of course I'll never be virtuoso on flat tapper, but because of the layout I can visualize the notes on the fretboard and use all my harmonic and theory background, plus I find sliding real easy, right up my alley, I slide and bend a lot- love it! Stay well, & thanks again for building it, let me know what you think about the strings.

RC from West Hurley NY
hey kevin...wanted to thank you again for this wonderful instrument! (prestwood bari 10)...i just wanted to thank you again and let you know that i've been playing the krappy quite a bit...i'd certainly recommend your work to anyone who's interested!

WP from SF California.
howdy, the bass arrived yesterday. I was surprised at how small the body was. Running it through my OD and it sounds great. Thanks for the good work...

PO from Colchester VT
Kevin, I received the 3 string bass today. Thank you. It was packed well and arrived in great shape. Love it! The two octave neck is cool and has a nice feel to it. I've got a gig this weekend and am going to try it out live. I'm sure it will be a real attention getter. thanks again,

JB from Pepperell MA
Awesome, thanks so much Kevin. I must say, I'm incredibly impressed, not only with the guitar pictures/videos, but also with the time you specifically spent to ensure that the specifications were up to par with what I had in mind. With that said, I feel that it's the very least that I can do to throw in an extra $50 for your exceptional effort and dedication to this. This entire process has been truly enjoyable to watch the guitar develop from a chunk of wood. If I can be of any help to providing references, reviews, recommendations, etc. please just let me know and I'd be more than happy to do so. Thanks again.

VR from Livonia MI
My apologies for not contacting you sooner. My son was ecstatic over his custom guitar and I want to thank you for all the follow ups, and particularly the end product. A really nice piece of original work. Regards...

BK/TK from Crestwood KY

I got the package, thanks for saving us some bread... I got to try them yesterday and they sound (and look) awesome! they really are comparable to (much) higher priced instruments in both work quality and sound… thanks for making them at such affordable prices.


CS from Hungary
It's the angry Norwegian again! I picked up my bass guitar today (it had arrived a week ago, I just didn't know I could get it from my post office), and I must say I am very happy with the deal! The look on it is FANTASTIC, and it really seems to suit my needs! I have yet to aquire an amp, so the next days I'll just be plimpering "acoustic", getting to know my three-stringed friend. Thanks again for everything, the whole process has been very pleasing (from great and fast communication with you, to the price tag, to the speed of crafting and delivering, and of course to the product itself)! I'll be sure to fix up an "owners image" for your website soon, and I'll send all my friends to your Krappy page!

Regards, AA From Norway
Hey mate got the axe love it to bits!!! Hahaha! Thanks heaps dude, will be in touch in the future for another build! In the meantime, i'm gonna be enjoying this. Peace out!

PR from Australia
hi, just wanted to thank you one more time--played appr. 6-8 hours during these two days. the tone is wonderful. it really sounds very jazzy. the sustain is great--it's controllable and looooooooong, and overall, the instrument is very easy to play on. you managed to build it just like i wanted. well, thank you, i should go do some more practice--this guitar is a true time-stealer!

AK from Russia
Kevin -- Thank you for doing a fine job with my "baby bass" -- I had a delightful time playing it last night and enjoyed meeting you as well. I loved the tapping demonstration and look forward to hearing more! I still have some change from Dunkin' Donuts which i need to get to you. Peace and blessings,

EL from Morehead City NC
Are you kidding?! I hate it already! I completely hate it, are you serious? It sucks sucks sucks! Or maybe it's me? MY NEW KRAPPY IS THE WORST INVESTMENT IN A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT I'VE EVER MADE!!! Bar none, absolutely THE WORST!!!!!! It has TWELVE STRINGS!!! I only have eight fingers, and feeble ones at that. Does anyone actually expect to play one of these things?! All of my friends just look and sadly shake their heads. My wonderful wife of I don't know how many years has actually threatened to stay my lovely wife for another I don't know how many years. Did you notice that the DOW dipped substantially the moment I unpacked my new Krappy? Explain that! Great work man. It's a genuine challenge and it keeps me cursing the day you were born, but I'm loving every minute of it! Thank you for a great job!

RO from San Francisco CA
Good Day Kevin!
It has been a while since I wrote, although the guitar arrived about a month ago. Anyway I thought that I should let you know that the Guitar looks and plays great and that our friend thought the same of it. I attached a picture of the evening where he unpacked it. We all want to thank you a lot for the great work and the convenient handling. It has been a pleasure. By the way, the guitar has already been played at two gigs and was well received. Have a nice week and thanks again.

VW from Austria
Hello I got the instrument and I'm satisfied. The body and neck perfectly resonate. Finish is a bit rough, but it's not a problem. Thank you for the availability of your instruments. You do a great job.

VM from Ukraine
"i am flabbergusted"--which is a mixture of flabbergasted and disgusted...feel free to use this new hybrid as a part of your regular speech...if a term is used often enough, it eventually becomes an adopted defined word.

KS from Swansboro NC

Sorry for not sending a note earlier. Guitars arrived safe and sound, just got around to playing with them a bit. Fun little basses.


JA from Canada
12 string guitars only have 6 extra strings, but they're 85 TIMES as likely to be used in a song about wizards.

RD jacked from Twitter
kudos all around, it plays real nice and looks great. My dad, who is a master carpenter n woodworker of many decades, had really high praise for the woodwork, thought it was a fantastic job. One thing we are going to try is to fashion some sort of wing/rib/shoulder assembly that can perhaps be mounted in or over the hole/block and would then provide hip or side or thigh support for the instrument so it can stand free when both hands are off, this way I can use more of a traditional fingers-down upright plucking style instead of having to stabilize it with one or more fingers while playing. (some of the uprights out there have em too, name of the known brand excapes me...) We shall futz and report if we come up with anything.

My son is making noises about wanting a Twiggy 4, I've sent him the pics you took & sent me. We'll see how that goes. And if I can get it together I am getting more & more interested in trying touchstyle, if nothing more than perhaps a good mindf***, which we can all use now & again. Inverted 5ths are what's gonna kill me, guess it's just time to get it ingrained.
Thanks again for now.

CM from Hampstead NC
Arrived today in one piece, looks AWESOME ! I already have it fitted into an Epiphone Flying V case ( with some minor modifications). I see what you meant by the trapezoid necks. Not a problem on the guitar, but the bass neck is waaay too big. No biggy, I'll just round it off to make it more comfy to play. Great job ! The guys at Guitar Center all ran over to take a look when I took it down to find a case. The Epi V case was ordered by someone who never picked it up. Only cost me $50 !! I would recommend you to anyone needing something cool like this. Thanks

LC from Overland Pk KS
Superb little monobaribasitar, Kevin! It's plays, sounds, feels just right and I certainly love the woods that you chose. I'll probably play something and post a video of it tonight and spam that around to my 670+ facebook friends with your name and Krappy Guitars prominently mentioned. Soon, I'll put a really special finish on this thing--probably bright colored lozenge camo (on front--natural wood on the back and neck so people can see those worm holes and grain), a silver vine pattern creeping all over, shiny lacquer, a Krappy logo on the tuning head, and linseed oil on the fingerboard. When that's done, I'll send a good photo. Thanks also for posting it on top of the punk basses page--very cool!

SH from Merritt Island FL
Hey kevin, I got the guitar today. LOVE it! I spent some time and learned the tuning, and have been trying to coordinate myself to play. I got a heavy suede strap for it. I think slung low works best. Plugged into my rig, with the valve juniors and the swr bass amp sounds really good! I am going to keep experimenting. I might get a small bass 10" speaker for the VJ amp on bass side. Anyhow, thanks for a job well done! Once i figure out how to play something, i will do a yt vid! Your brother in christ,

JW from Franklin NC
Got it, been playing around with it, turned out way better than I hoped, thanks for your great work!

C(s)J from Bloomfield NJ
You are a genius. Love it. Once I get back to where I can plug this beauty into an amp I'll write you a review hoping you can post it on your site with everyone's else's. It feels superb! Funny, the neck is a funky chunky but yet it feels quite natural! Your placement of the pegs will obviously make this balance exactly the way I need it to. Feels very natural in my hands. The fret-board is smooth as silk. You are a craftsman that takes a very unique approach to instruments, woods, hardware, I'm very impressed and happy to being playing it. Thank you!

Kindest Regards,
AL from Lebanon CT
hey man, GREAT JOB!!!! this bass you built is amazing, to say the least. i am disabled and this bass is perfect for me, because i have to play sitting. i will pass on your info to every musician i know locally. i will let you know on the next one i want built. once again accolades to you!!!! thanx for the zappa articles as well. keep in touch.

JB from Washington PA
My guitar arrived safely on time Thursday afternoon. Thank you!. This axe is killer, absolutely beautiful, I havent taken my hands off it since it came in haha. It sounds and plays like a dream. Now all my buds have Krappy Envy!! Thank you again I will be in touch we will be getting more Krappy guitars into the Inferno in the future! Have a great day

JF from Warren OH
Hey Kevin!
Got the instrument! It rocks. I'm gonna ask u a few questions soon. thanks!

FM from Long Beach CA
Kevin, im in the sad position to let u know that the instrument i have bought from you is absolutely rubbish. the neck has an angle which does not allow the strings to be heard properly plus on the behind there is a split on the wood which makes me very nervous (not even on the parts that are glued if i may say so glued badly). Plus the keys are put on wrong positions. All of these plus 3-4 other major mistakes make the instrument useless for me to do anything with it. It does sound right.. it doesnt stay in tune, and as i have been advised by three individual techs, ''i should burn it during the winter'' and this makes me very very sad. I know your policy for no returns but my god this is a discrace. i feel ripped off and cheated...thank you.

CA from Cyprus
Hey Kevin, Just got the guitar through the post this morning... All safe and sound. This thing is amazing! I think you have a customer for life... Also dig the cherry wood story haha. Will post some stuff up as soon as i can play it well enough to do it justice. In the meantime, im gonna work my @$$ off to save for another guitar from you! Ive never seen such quality from an instrument, honestly. Speak soon,

LA from the UK
Hi Kevin, The baby bat bass has arrived and we tried it out last night at rehearsal! Vince was delighted - funnily enough he's been suffering with a frozen shoulder recently and was finding his regular bass quite heavy - so he loved the weight and size. Brilliant. Just need to adjust the bridge slightly as the low D string is sharpening up as you go up the fretboard - whereas the high D doesn't. We've got some great footage of the band opening the package and we'll get that out there soon and send you a link. Thanks you so much for making Vince a very happy man! Best regards,

NR from Brentford UK
My Krappy arrived today and it is really nice looking. Get a cable and a tuner tomorrow and Im ready. Thank you so much for all that youve done.

JO from Port Angeles WA
Hey Kevin, The instrument arrived a couple hours ago - well packed and relatively in tune! Didn't take me as long as I thought it would to tune it up and discover how much I suck! The ideas are there, I just need to learn this instrument and it's gonna take a little time. I'm going to play around with it as much as I can for the next couple days and will probably have some questions for you later in the week. I need to let this thing soak in a bit. It's beautiful, man. Very well made and well balanced. I cannot thank you enough for building this for me. I'll hit you up in a couple days.

TB from Nashville TN
Just wanted to say that I got the package a few days ago. Finally got time to open it up today. Everything looks great, couldn't be happier. Spacing is perfect to strat saddles. You could not have done a better job. When I get some cash together I will order something else from you.

TM from Australia
Got the EUB today,
haven't got to plug it in yet,
but I took the bow to it.
It works really well.
As a bass guitar,
it's equally awesome.
I may put some finish on it
and change the strings,
but other than that,
no mods necessary.

RJB from Cotati CA
Hello Kevin,
The bottom line: After reading Kevin's funny website I thought, why not? Now other musicians just gawk at my bass and I tell them, "it's a Krappy .. it plays itself .. I just put my hands in front of it and look busy". It's not magic and won't make you any better than you are, but sure makes being and playing who you are easier.

I asked for a custom string spacing and told him the sound I like and he gave me a dream. Back in the days when money wasn't an issue I spent a small fortune to get the same thing .. but I had to part with it during hard times .. and it wasn't as good as the Krappy 5 string narrow short scale neck I have now. Its sound and feel are unbelievably good. God gave this guy a gift. Being an old engineer I took one look at the bridge and thought, "there is no way that intonation can be 'on'" .. sure enough, it was and is PERFECT. My new lined fretless neck is smooooooth. Unbelievable. I've been telling everyone I know about this gent. I'd do a Youtube if I wasn't camera shy. Get the word out .. if you want the bass of your dreams at a reasonable price from a guy with a great sense of humor there is only one place to go .. This guy is the real deal. My bass was made in America although Heaven only knows where the wood came from! :) Beautiful hard woods. Figure it came from someone's retired all too expensive furniture. My gain, thanks to Kevin.

Kindest Regards,
AL from Lebanon, CT
Sorry I haven't gotten you a review. Things have been crazy at work. The bass you made is a total pleasure to play, when I can pry it out of my wife's hands. The endpin contraption works extremely well, the bass plays great upright or in guitar mode. I dig the neck a lot. The piezo is the least noisy piezo I've ever heard without a battery, and even then.
I like the natural wood feel, in fact there's a debate amongst my friends as to whether or not there is any kind of finish or sealer. I was pleasantly surprised to see fret notches as well as position dots on the side....very cool. And it just sounds damn good.

Thanks again!

RJB from Cotati CA
Brother, this is one of the coolest basses I own (and I have many hahaha). It not only is a work of art but it plays and sounds great. I didn't expect it to be so BIG sounding. I am super-happy and will send a pick of me doing something ridiculous soon. I have an Atlansia Solitaire (picked up on ebay several years ago) that doesn't have NEARLY the style of my Schwartz $tockTip...or any Krappy basses for that matter. I will be ordering more in the future...looking into a 3-string. Any suggestions? Thanks for everything

AF from Pittsburgh PA
Kevin, The Wookiee 10 arrived a few hours ago. TOTALLY well built, well-worth the miniscule price I paid for it. Action phenomenal, lightweight, ergonomic, and it just LOOKS cool. Thank you for a job well done!

JT from Hendersonville NC
Hey Kevin I received her on Monday and really haven't put her down. This is one fine piece of work. I thank you very much for such an effort, highest quality! I will stay in touch and throw as much attention your way as I can stir up. I also wouldn't put it past me to hit you up for another order lol. Awesome stuff man. I will send a pic your way as well. Thanks again,

SC from Alexandria VA
It just arrived and it looks and sounds pretty good... Took it to a little jam session thingy, everyone thought it was pretty cool...

Thanks, Krapmeister!

from BW in Australia
Hi Kevin, Got the bass and played with it a little bit (working a lot these days). Will do a review in about a month, it will be positive. I only have one regret.........should have ordered more strings :) Talk to you soon.

JM from Quebec Canada
Got it today. I love it. Thank you so much!

JH from Hampton IA
Got it! One word: AMAZING! Thank you so much!

RBM from Nashville TN
I was looking for a two string bass because, well, let's face it, that's really all you need. A quick Google search lead me to Perfect. Another quick search on a couple bass forums proved that Krappy was legit. Super perfect. I first contacted "them" to get pricing on a SG styled Punk Bass and a XXL T-shirt. This Kevin guy promptly responded that he was out of XXL's but had a 3X and that I was probably fat enough for it, but I passed on the shirt. (He didn't really say that, but he wouldn't have been too far off base.) The bass, however was a go. I PayPal'ed him the funds and we were off. Kevin kept me informed the entire build process... WITH PICTURES. I don't remember getting that with my G&L SB2! Once the time came for strings, he asked me if I wanted standard E+A tuning or the super bad-assery of B+E. I like bad-assery, so I asked him to make it a true bottom-ender. I believe it was less than a week from the date I ordered when I was told it shipped and was given a tracking number. A few days later I received it - what a beauty. Solidly built and functional and the tone is actually quite full for a smaller bodied bass. I don't know exactly what in the hell I'm going to do with it, but I love it! Thanks, Kevin.

GG From Oak Creek, WI
Hello Kevin, The bass arrived the other day but I just picked it up today. I just finished unpacking it - looks great! Will get you a pic and will do a "testimonial" for you to use if you want asap. Thanks again...

GG from Oak Creek WI
Hey, Kevin! Received the Krappy Morgan2 yesterday all in good order. It's awesome! Nothing crappy about the construction and I'm still impressed with how quick you got it done. Plugged it in and it sounds great. Punchy with a nice growl. Thanks for the unexpected, but much appreciated, fret markings on the side of the neck, too. I'll be putting it through it's paces a bit more over the weekend. Cheers, man!

EM from Manalapan NJ
Sweet bass and super light. Has a great bass tone and plenty of bite for slap, tap and pizzicato. The neck is surprisingly tasty and fast. Will buy from again

RDB from Orange TX
I got it last night, thank you for your prompt service. It's such a breath of fresh air after all the stories of deals gone badly at The Gear Page! The frets are perfect and it's very comfortable to play! I added just a hair of neck relief and dropped the pickups and the action down just a tad and it's working well.

1. DAMN! It's a killer guitar for an unbelievable price
2. You took my money and delivered the product on time and on budget.
3. You promptly answer emails, even after you have the cash!

Anyway, thank you for great service!

RS from Platteville WI
Kevin, you are the man! Got my bass yesterday and would've e-mailed so last night but I've been messing around with it since then. It's beautiful and sounds great. Truly the nicest piece of krap I've ever owned. Many, many thanks. Rock on brotha!

DK from Nellysford VA
I got the guitar...this thing sounds freakin great!!! Its very playable and comfy too... thanks again! I'll post a vid soon...

AN from Bronx NY
Thank you so much. They were so surprised and they cannot put them down. They're beautiful. Will send u footage of them opening the pkg and playing them when my iphone starts behaving...

MS from Succasunna NJ
Hi Kevin, I wanted to leave you some feedback! I'm really happy with the bass! I really am in love with the way it sounds -- I really love the tone on this thing--nice and midrangy with a bit of low sounds absolutely great! I think I want to get another one--just like this one only a 5 string! Thank you so much!

CM from Maple Grove MN
I got it. Packed well and arrived safely. I'm sure you get this a lot, but I'm floored by the craftsmanship. I was expecting a lot less. working with you has been a pleasure and its clear you take a lot of pride in your work. I played around with it last night and it sounds great too. thanks and I've got some ideas for guitars in the near future too! you will hear from me again...

JT from IN
Just got it, and let me say - this thing is awesome. Absolutely beautiful, I love the finish...Again - this bass is awesome, thanks so much

DN from Manhasset NY
There was an old Far Side cartoon by Gary Larson of a cowboy impaled by a dozen or so arrows with a second cowboy leaning over him and the caption:
“Yeah, Clem… but it’s a good kind of hurt.”
That’s been my afternoon of learning patterns and getting the basic lay of the land. I’m completely thrilled with the beast!

JH from Wilson NC
Hey Kevin, got it safe and sound and really enjoying it! I look forward to the challenge. My head is spinning!!!
Thanks again

RN from Cordova TN
Kevin, received the Stet-Fretless yesterday right on time. What can I say, I am blown away and it's sure to be one of my favorite bass guitars. You're a master Luther and craftsmen. That is the best hundred dollars I've ever spent, now I get paid back with musical dividends for the rest of my life. When you get a chance I want to talk to you about building me an EUB. I'm thinking about a three string fretless in BEA. Have a great weekend!
Thanks again,

JS from Houston TX
I got the bass yesterday and it is awesome. I just wanted to thank you again for making me this cool custom bass!

SM from Eureka CA
The Raithel 10 arrived in perfect condition! I couldn't be happier! It's beautiful and sounds great. Now I just have to figure out how to play it.... Thanks, Kevin!

RR from Kenmore NY
Hey Kevin, got my guitar yesterday, just about to plug in and jam with my buddies, wanted to tell you I'm really happy with it and I love it! It's really light but has the look and feel that I wanted for the right price. Seems to play well, the action is nice and low. I'll be in touch. Thanks a lot!

ZR from Marion Center PA
Received the BARBARIAN CLUB today. It feels great. It looks great. It plays great. I can't wait to get it home and plug it in. My friend is gonna flip dude. I'm going to order more instruments from you in the future, starting with either a guitar or mandolin. I'm going to review your website and also maybe sketch out a design or two for a body since you welcome customs like that! Thank you so much for this incredible and unique instrument. I can't tell you how excited I am. The volume knob is the most beautiful touch dude. You're a true artist. THANK YOU.

PA from Philadelphia PA
You have no idea--ok yea it's great! just got her today. My friend printed out stuff you sent. thank you so much...I have no idea how you got so much growl and tone in that little booger, better than I could have hoped for and beautiful too...can't wait to actually play something anyone would recognize. please reprint this on your page...People need to know what you can do!!!!

JG from Louisville KY
Hi Kevin, I received my Krappy Guitars Diddley Bo. I'm a little disappointed quite frankly. Pickup and bridge design are flawed. I would have paid more for a better quality instrument. Very poor electronics. I know that I only paid $125.00, but as I say, I would have paid more for better quality. Nice try, but no cigar. Also, UPS beat the hell out of the package that it came in.
Bummed Out

LB from Albany NY
I played an (unavoidably) heavy 6-string since 1986. (And at some point picked up an even heavier fretless, solid zebrawood body.) Current bass is a Krappy Guitars 3-string, and I couldn’t be happier…the others seldom leave their cases. It weighs in at 5.9 pounds, and the horn goes up to the 12th fret keeping it perfectly balanced.

BC from Helena MT
I received my FuzzyG flat tapper, and must advise that you are placing yourself in danger of a false advertising lawsuit. First your customer service was outstanding, including good communication, sound advice, incredibly fast build, and prompt and safe shipping. This is in direct contradiction of your manifesto.
The instrument did not meet expectations consistent with its price, its construction, appearance and playability were not what I would call anywhere near Krappy enough. You would be wise to cease and desist these deceptive practices.
That being said, everything arrived in perfect condition, thanks very much for the nifty stand. You could always get a job designing kits for IKEA. The bridge design is quite clever as well.
Life's Short, Play Krappy.....
Fuzzy G PS. Available for lessons?.

BG from Matthews NC
Fretless Received! It plays great!!! It looks great!!! I will have another order for you soon, either a bass or a mandolin! This guitar is awesome man, thank you so much!

PA from Philadelphia PA
I received the Stief 10-string on Friday, and haven't had nearly enough time to work with it yet. I'm very excited about the instrument, and can tell it will take some time to get the hang of playing with both hands
(I need calluses on my right hand, but it will be time well spent.) Thanks Kevin for the fine work.

ES from CA
Thank you for the T shirts! I so appreciate them, I wore the Krappy shirt to St Augustine last week. It was humorous to watch peoples reactions when they read the shirt!

JR from PA
Just wanted to let you know I got the instrument. Very nice job. I like the wood choice and it has a nice feel. The things I would change art the string spacing which i am sure is due to my wanting the strings parallel. And I would go for a shorter scale to fit more tightly. I decided to mount the body over part of the guitar because it is not that much thicker at that point. The pick-up is ok but I would like a little more high frequency. But I understand to keep the price lower this was a good choice.
Overall I am enjoying the instrument and experimenting with the guitar strum and tapping fretboard idea. Cheers

RC from CA
Got the bass today and I hate to break it to you, but it's not crappy. It's beautiful and plays really well. I can hit every note cleanly and it has that great fretless mwah. Overall I'm really impressed. I hate to say it, but you should charge more for these. Thanks again,

JG from Chicago IL
So I've been looking at her, picking her up every once in a minute, enjoying the novelty....then I plugged her in. :) I've been playing for 30 years, if I close my eyes, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my "Krappy" bass and a Rickenbacker. I love it Kevin, you need to charge a bit more for your work, it's a great skill. What a blast. I will be sharing videos and more to many fb pages, so be prepared for some business. Thanks bro

JK from Denver CO
Hi Kevin,
Sorry for the delay in sending this message, but I wanted to let you know how happy I am with the instrument. Not only does it look and sound great, my two sons (one plays bass and the other plays guitar) both envied their Dad for a few minutes for the first time in the new century. Thanks for all of your efforts...

MB from Lincoln MA
She arrived today! Absolutely Beautiful work! And she plays and sounds amaizing. See another one in the near future! Thanks for the Awesome work Mr. Siebold! And keep rockin the tricycle!

SS from FPO AP
It's here!!! Messed around with it for a few min. So far I'm loving it. It's gonna need some minor tweaking of the string heights at the bridge to make it easier to bow, plus some better technique on my part. But overall I'd say smashing success. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Awesome job...

SM from CA
Thank you very much, will be ordering again soon

AL from Omaha NE
received a phone call from home...parcel arrived!!! I will not be able to collect it before tomorrow afternoon, but I wanted to tell you that it arrived!

FP from Italy
KEVIN, the bass arrived today.I love it.The neck near the volute reminds me of a ric and a birdsong I had.Really like the neck shape.What woods are the back and fretboard?, not that it matter but i'll get a thousand questions about it.Also thank for packing it well, and sending back the templates.I have a feeling this will end up w/ 2 pickups soon.This reminds me of my friend early builds,neck thru and thin bodies.I wish we would have taken more pics when all those got made.This will be a lot of fun.

C.J. from Rochester NY
Hey Kevin

Sorry for getting back to you so late… I got the bass just the day before I left for Dublin, Ireland, to play some gigs there. Beautiful Instrument!!!!!! Had to leave it at home, because I had no appropriate case. But now I bought a soft padded gun case which fits perfectly. And now I’m glad to take the bass with me to Edinburgh, Scotland, on Thursday to play at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Thx a milion for the Instrument and your cooperation. Highly appreciated. Best regards

TP from Germany
Yeah man,a hug from Switzerland, so great, exactly what i needed, the baby arrived :)
tell me what is that overwhelming smell on the beauty? some oil ? love it,beautiful, amazing job--really awesome man :)
The instrument is 100% what i expected, really thanks man, and all the best!!
Hugs man, you are great really

JT from Switzerland
Good morning Kevin. Just wanted to let you know that my Krappy guitar arrived yesterday and that I'm 100% pleased with the purchase. Lightweight, nice round tone and it looks very cool. Great job Kevin...and I'm gonna spread the word about you and your instruments.

KC from Hamilton Ontario CA
Lookie what showed up today!!
Kevin you are far too humble for how quality this instrument is. I absolutely love It! Plays absolutely stellar, and sounds crisp and bright through my crate. Thank you again for all your time and hard work. I'm ecstatic!

KB from Madison WI
looks great ... sounds great. Improvements over my other uncrossed--the outside strings have more "outside" fretboard space..on the old one, its easy to slip off the fretboard when playing the outside strings. I like the aluminum neck...yeah, its not wood which probably put some people off, but the weight savings is a true blessing...i can't play the old one for more that 15 minutes without a rest (i have a crushed vertebra)....yesterday, i couldn't put the new one down....the ends of the frets on the old one were not burnished enough, i've cut myself several time but the ends of the frets on the new one are nice and smooth...The old one had one output, and its a pain to get a splitter or a split cord that isn't a piece of the two outputs is much appreciated.
i have it sitting next to a gibson les paul special and a marshall half stack...fits right in dude!!....the only thing i could add is totally cosmetic and really doesn't matter to me...but i would think some people would want the wood varnished.
Excellent job Kevin! A++

JH from Moorpark CA
Kevin, received bass yesterday, beautifully done plays well, thank you for the time and effort. somewhere down the road, I"ll want a twelve string. Till then, good health and happiness.

MH from Springfield VA
Hi Kevin

The bass arrived the other day safe and sound.

It is a fantastic little instrument. I love it.
It's got a ton of attitude and I can't wait to
get it to my next band practice.

Cheers mate

I received the guitar yesterday and it is beautiful! Lighter than I expected, which is nice and the through neck wood combination you chose is perfect. I did not expect a bookmatched top at this price, but thank you for that as well...

M.E. from Olympia WA
Krappy guitars are the perfect entry point into the world of touch instruments. Kevin will work with you to make a quality instrument of any body style in any tuning you desire... for a price that you can afford. My Krappy is the perfect companion to my (another Brand), and it will not be the last instrument I commission.

JL from Berea KY
Thank You Kevin!!

this lil thing is awesome!

PS from Sterling IL
Hi Kevin,

Wow, wow, wow!!!!! Such great work - everyone who sees it - loves it. Arrived last week and had such a blast playing it that I forgot to say - thanks so much. Family jammed away last night - me on the new bass, my son on dulcimer, my wife on guitar and other son on harmonica. Going to be a rocking Christmas.....pity my neighbors.... Already surfing your site planning ideas for the next. Probably a dulcimer.... I will be back!

Have a very Merry Christmas.

Thanks again,

WM from Mississauga Canada

your krappy masterpiece arrived at my door today, and i could not be happier. Thank you very much i will definitely be contacting you for more in the future

LM from Newton MA
Hey Kevin, I got the bass today and had to pry myself away from it to email you. Love it! Credit where it’s due and this thing sounds and plays great. I will be ordering again in the new year so that I can teach my daughter. Have a great holiday season. Love your work.

JM from Victoria Australia
From the main desk:

I just spent some time with the guitar you just made me. I gotta say that out of the box it exceeded my expectations. It has a great organic sound that makes it stand alone with just an amp, it sounds like an American instrument. The Mojo is talking. I am going to have to rethink this whole thing because I wanted a mod platform and now I am sure I will kick myself if I mod it. Stay tuned.

I want to thank you for making me a fine instrument. It is wonderful. I could put a dozen adjectives on it and not meet what I want to say or express my appreciation to you for giving of yourself to your craft to create this.

I would really like to see what you would do with completely free reign. This won't be the last, you will be hearing from me again ( along with the people i point at you).

My very best,

GWB from Philadelphia PA

I've been fiddling with this thing all evening, even did most of my set list for tomorrow on it and it's so much freaking fun! I feel like I'm learning my fretboard even better since I have to slide up the neck instead of reaching for the D string. I may shield the pickup cavity since there is some 60 cycle hum, but maybe not. And I'll probably install a thumb rest since I tend to play up more towards the neck. But it has some really good growl with the volume up if I play over the pickup. I gave it a write up as a NBD over on TalkBass. Thanks again!

P.S. My wife called it ridiculous. #winning

MH from Leander TX
Bass is awesome. Thank you so much. I'll be back for another or two. Beautiful piece of Krap. Been noodling for two hours on it without even tuning it ..sounds great Kevin. Fantastic workmanship.

JB from Deltona FL
Hello mate - received safe and sound. Absolutely amazing job as always, sounds and feels and looks fantastic. Will get some vids done!

Its great, perfect for the job and I’ll be in touch in a few months re another ;) - just needs parts again haha.

Good shout on that blade bucker too - sounds great!

LA from the UK
Kevin……….I received the bass Friday……….what can I say but, AWESOME job!!! That is way more cooler than I expected!! I play bass for my church’s praise band, normally a Fender Jazz, but I’m taking the Thunder bass this week!! Thanks!

PK from Tulsa OK
Hey man. It's day two of TGC Seattle and everyone loves the Krappy. They keeping comparing me to Jim Hall. They're in disbelief of the price. Hopefully my playing is a good advertisement and not a bad one.

Keep on rockin'!

JL on the mission field in Seattle
Love my new gitfiddle! It’s heavy but comfortable to play and sounds great. Great intonation and stays in tune too. Nice job! Thanks!

RP from Little Egg Harbor NJ
Found a wonderful welcome home waiting for me!

I took a few pics, and I wish I had done a better job of documenting the unboxing. A lot of care and creativity went into prepping this instrument for travel.

In the interest of staying married, I will resist the strong urge to plug “Lap Tapper 6” in until tomorrow, but so far, it appears to be everything I’ve been looking for in a stringed instrument, and it smells nice too!.

DC from Tavares FL
Hi Kevin Received my bass this afternoon. Already playing it and it sounds great. Has a really nice mellow sound. Well, got to get back to playing! Thank you

CK from Covington KY
Good afternoon. I just received the two string bass guitar. It is awesome. I love it.. You did an incredible job. There is a little bit of an oily substance on the bass guitar I figured this is normal. I'm going to order two more for buddies of for Christmas gifts I will be in contact soon. Thanks again, I will be in touch. Thanks again for the bass. Great job!

SR from Campobello SC
Hi. The bass arrived today, very happy with it but you didn’t sprinkle it with fairy dust to make me a better player. Sounds great, looks great, couldn’t be happier.

RH from Manitou MB Canada
I received and unpacked my bass. This this is awesome! Better than I imagined. Thank you so much.

TG from TX

The bass arrived just now. All I can say is that it is PERFECT. Better than I ever could have dreamed. Sir, you are so talented. You are a true artist AND most of all you brought musicianship back to me. Type 1 diabetes has truly ravaged my hands and dexterity. Your bass is crafted so well with so much care. It is super easy to play and super fun. Thank you again so very much. You probably never thought your Krappy Punkrods would be so helpful, but you are a master at your craft and I appreciate it.
Thanks again,

JR from Hatfield PA
It's all very pretty and the tone is killer. The playability is amazing- it feels much better playing on this than it ever has on any guitar or bass I've ever played. Touchstyle is the future!

LC from the UK
I just gotta say how much I like this bass. It’s so much better than all your disclaimers would lead me to believe. The intonation is perfect, the tone is solid and it plays with ease. I finally just got a quad cortex I’ve waited almost 5 months for and I’ve been playing through it for the last hour. It’s a beautiful and hilarious instrument that I’m gonna use a lot, for recording especially. Thanks again for your hard work.

MR from Creve Coeur MO
. This thing rocks! Super fun to play and proves basses don't have to have a bunch of bells and whistles to be a blast to play. I'm not much of a picture guy, but I might have my friend do that. Thanks again!

AK from Durham NC.
. . .